The Shopify Point of Sale App for iPad and iPhone supports a few different model thermal receipt printers with interface options that we will list here. It is important to point out that you must have the Retail Package enabled in Shopify's Admin setting area in order to use a receipt printer or other bar code equipment with your POS iPad setup. Also, Shopify POS receipt printing hardware is not currently supported for Android devices.

Shopify POS Compatible Receipt Printers :
Star Micronics TSP650IIBI Bluetooth Wireless Receipt Printer Model 39449871Star Micronics TSP143LAN Ethernet Receipt Printer Model 39463110
Star Micronics TSP100USB USB Receipt Printer Model 39461110
Shopify POS Compatible Receipt Printer and Cash Drawer Hardware Bundle (Bluetooth)
Shopify POS Compatible Receipt Printer and Cash Drawer Hardware Bundle (Ethernet)
Shopify POS Compatible Receipt Printer and Cash Drawer Hardware Bundle (USB)
Shopify recommends the bluetooth version of these choices to pair with your iPad for ease of setup and less wire clutter. For pairing information, settings and usage visit their support site. The TSP143LAN Printer connects to your network with an ethernet cable and you can access the printer wirelessly that way. Here is an article on setting up your Shopify compatible ethernet printer. If you are using the USB version of the TSP100, you will need to plug this into an Apple Airport Epress or Air Port Wireless Wifi Extender via the USB port to access the printer. More information is available here.
A standard RJ11 plug compatible cash drawer will also work with the POS receipt printing setup as it uses the Drawer Kick (DK) plug on the back of the printer to open and is controlled separate. We sell refurbished options for these printers and cash drawer bundles from our shop in Austin, Tx. If you have any questions regarding compatibility or setup, do not hesitate to contact us.